New projects and new website!
Nothing like new projects to make you realize how outdated your website is. An update was long overdue!
I'll tell ya, this music stuff...
It's starting to hit me how long it's been a part of me, and how grateful I am for it.
This is the fourth website I've had for music. The first was created around 2003/2004. It's astonishing to think about how far web design has come in that time.
The first one was made entirely in Adobe Flash, followed by Blogger, HostBaby, and now I come to you using Squarespace. The progression in capability and connectivity with one's audience throughout that time has been mind-boggling.
I can DIRECTLY communicate and sell stuff from my website now. That wasn't possible back in the day. Or rather, it was, but not as easily for independent musicians.
And I've always remained independent. It's weird, while I took pride in making albums independently, I still fostered the goal of achieving record label status. Now I wonder how long they'll remain relevant...
So what's new?
I've continued to write and gig around throughout the years, but recently the gigging has increased, and I've been collaborating and recording with some great people.
There's a song I wrote in Japanese called 旅の空 (or Tabi no Sora, which essentially means The Open Road in English). It's a song about how I feel while traveling. The recording is already finished, but will be released sometime this summer. (many kudos to everyone involved; Linsay Bass-Conn, Billy Harrington, Takashi Iio, Jimmy Smith, and Eric Wojahn and Josh Wiechmann at Solid Sound)
Why wait to release it??
Here's where things get exciting. I wanted to do MORE than just release another song. I wanted to make it an experience for the viewer. So...
I'm getting a pencil sketch animation created to go along with the song by Ray Hikari. Ray is a badass animator who works for Square Enix in Osaka, Japan. We've both had so much fun with the project, we're now considering collaborating more.
I thought it'd be nice to share bits and pieces of our progress as we go along, but needed a better website and blog accomplish that. So here we are!
Stay tuned for more updates, and in the meantime, here's a glimpse of the main character in Tabi no Sora :)
Illustration/イラスト: Ray Hikari
ウェブサイト1回目はAdobe Flashで作って、そうしたらBloggerを使って、次はHostBabyを使って、今回はSquarespaceを使ってる。その間に人々と一緒にコネクト力が本当に信じられないぐらいすごいなー。
日本語で作曲した曲ある。タイトルは「旅の空」です。旅にする時に何が感じるという曲です。もうレコードができたけど、今年の夏か秋に出す。(めっちゃありがたい参加した人は:Linsay Bass-Conn, Billy Harrington, Takashi Iio, Jimmy Smith と ソリッド・サウンドスタジオのEric WojahnとJosh Wiechmannです。)
アニメーターRay Hikariは曲のアニメーションが作ってくれている!Rayはホンマにすごいよ。大阪にSquare Enixで働いている。それに、僕らはこのプロジェクトが気に入ってるから、もっとコラボと思ってきてる。