Meaning | 意味
Illustration/イラスト: Ray Hikari
Here's the Japanese lyrics and English translation to Tabi no Sora (I promise the Japanese lyrics sound more poetic). :) It's an expression of how I feel when I travel, and how I feel it's important.
これは旅の空の歌詞と英語の翻訳です(日本語の歌詞もっと詩的だと思う、笑):) 旅する時に、どんな感じしてるついての曲で、それに旅の空の大切さについてだ。
いいのかな いいのなら
いいのかな 旅の空
いいのかな いいのなら
いいのかな 旅の空
窓を 拭きもせずに
眺めてみるよ 張り裂けそうな胸
気がかりなことに 向き合えば
いいのかな いいのなら
いいのかな 旅の空
吹っ切れて 赤くにじんだ手
すっきりすれば 大丈夫かな
乗り越えた顔に 光が浸って
気付くことを ただ微笑みで
この歌を 奏でるよ
いいのかな いいのなら
いいのかな 旅の空
いいのかな いいのなら
いいのかな 旅の空
[English Translation]
I wonder if it’s OK, if it is OK,
I wonder if it’s good, the open road.
I wonder if it’s OK, if it is OK,
I wonder if it’s good, the open road.
With film on the window,
I gaze out, my chest like it could burst.
If I face my fears,
calmly trust in my heart…
I wonder if it’s OK, if it is OK,
I wonder if it’s good, the open road.
My hand may get red and blurred from breaking through,
but if done cleanly, it’ll be fine.
The light peaks through and drenches my face,
just smile at the things I realize.
Ride the rhythm,
play this song,
just smile.
I wonder if it’s OK, if it is OK,
I wonder if it’s good, the open road.
I wonder if it’s OK, if it is OK,
I wonder if it’s good, the open road.
From 2006 to 2009, I taught English as a Second Language in public junior high schools in Otsu, Shiga (Lansing's sister state).
One reason for releasing the song with a pencil sketch animation by Ray Hikari is to show it to as many students as possible; to show them how liberating traveling can be.
I think they need it. We all need it. So this screenshot is of the window our main character sees, which beckons her to break through and begin the journey of her life.
Ray Hikariが作るアニメーションと曲をリリースの一つ理由は、生徒たちに見せたい;旅することは解放的なことを見せたい。
Illustration/イラスト: Ray Hikari