#36 - Caleb Johnson
I'm so glad Caleb Johnson stopped by to podcast together!
I met Caleb through his work as the event coordinator for Piper & Gold Public Relations while he was organizing Imagine the Avenue (part of a longterm effort to spark more traffic on Michigan Ave here in Lansing, MI). Caleb invited SarahJean Sews and I to participate; me as a musician and Sews as a featured artist. The event went great!
And THEN! I find out that Caleb is an amazing illusionist! 😃
He has a new show titled THE RUSE, which he'll be performing at Windwalker Underground Gallery in Charlotte, MI on October 5th and 6th at 8pm. (👉Click here for the Facebook event)
I got teary-eyed as Caleb told me the meaning behind the show. Based on his own life experiences of the rejection and acceptance within the faith community, Caleb's goal with THE RUSE is to help people become who they are meant to be; their most authentic selves.
I love everything about what he's doing, and loved this conversation. Enjoy!
Here's where you can find Caleb Johnson online:
Caleb Johnson Live: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook event for THE RUSE at Windwalker Unground Gallery